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Data Grid Config

The configuration holds various properties to control the behavior of the spreadsheet and the worksheets. There are two objects, one config for the spreadsheet and one config for each of the worksheets.



The following methods perform operations for the config programmatically.

Method Description
getConfig Get the configuration of one worksheet.
getConfig() => Object
setConfig Set the configuration for the worksheet
setConfig(options: Object) => void

Initial Settings

One object is available for the spreadsheet level and holds all shared or global properties.

Property Description
cloud: String Render a remote spreadsheet from Jspreadsheet Cloud.
application: String Your application name.
definedNames: Array Global variables
root: DOMElement DOM element for binding the JavaScript events. This property is normally used when JSS is running as a web component.
sorting: Function Custom sorting handler.
server: String URL from a remote server to handler data persistence.
toolbar: Boolean|Object True for the default toolbar, or a object with the custom toolbar configuration.
allowExport: Boolean Allow spreadsheet to be downloaded. Default: true
includeHeadersOnDownload: Boolean Download the headers within the data. Default: false
forceUpdateOnPaste: Boolean Force the update on readonly columns on paste. Default: false
loadingSpin: Boolean Show the loading spin on spreadsheet initialization. Default: false
fullscreen: Boolean Start the spreadsheet in fullscreen mode. Default: false
secureFormulas: Boolean Run the secure formulas, force all methods to upperCase. Default: true
parseFormulas: Boolean Parse formulas. Default: true
debugFormulas: Boolean Debug formulas. Default: false
editorFormulas: Boolean Open the formulas in editing mode. Default: true
autoIncrement: Boolean Auto increment cells on dragging or cloning. Default: true
autoCasting: Boolean Try to convert text into numbers to help with formulas. Default: true
stripHTML: Boolean Strip all HTML code. Default: true
tabs: Boolean Allow the user to add new worksheets. Default: false
allowDeleteWorksheet: Boolean Allow the user to delete worksheets. Default: true
allowRenameWorksheet: Boolean Allow the user to rename a worksheet. Default: true
allowMoveWorksheet: Boolean Allow the user to update the worksheet position on the tabs. Default: true
parseTableFirstRowAsHeader: Boolean When creating a spreadsheet from a table, the first row will be the headers Default: false
parseTableAutoCellType: Boolean When creating a spreadsheet from a table, try to define a best column type. Default: false
plugins: Object Load plugins. Default: null.
wordWrap: Boolean Wordwrap Default: true.
license: String License hash. Can be generated in your profile.
validations: Array Array of validation definitions. Default: null
moveDownOnEnter: Boolean Move the selected cell down when finalize an edition with Enter key. Default: true

Worksheet options

There is one configuration for each worksheet.

Property Description
url: String Load the data from a remote URL
persistence: Boolean|String Invoke a remote server on each spreadsheet update. True to send the information to the same URL above, or define the URL for the persistence of this worksheet. Default: false
data: Array Load the data into a new spreadsheet from an array of rows or objects.
rows: Array Array with the row property settings such as title, height.
columns: Array Array with the column property settings. More about the column options.
cells: Object Cell definitions. More about the cell options.
role: String Meta information about the worksheet.
nestedHeaders: Array Nested headers
defaultColWidth: Number Default column width.
defaultRowHeight: Number Default row height.
defaultColAlign: String Default column alignment. Default: center
minSpareRows: Number Min number of spare rows. Default: null
minSpareCols: Number Min number of spare columns. Default: null
minDimensions: Array(Number, Number) Min number of columns and rows.
csv: String Load the data from a remote CSV file.
csvFileName: String Defines the name of the CSV file. Default: jspreadsheet
csvHeaders: Boolean Consider the first row from the CSV file as the headers. Default: false
csvDelimiter: String CSV divisor character. Default: ','
columnSorting: Boolean Allow column sorting. Default: true
columnDrag: Boolean Allow column dragging. Default: true
columnResize: Boolean Allow column resizing. Default: true
rowResize: Boolean Allow row resizing. Default: true
rowDrag: Boolean Allow row dragging. Default: true
rowDrag: Boolean Allow row dragging. Default: true
editable: Boolean The worksheet is editable. Default: true
allowInsertRow: Boolean Allow the user to insert new rows. Default: true
allowManualInsertRow: Boolean Allow the user to insert new rows after the last row with the enter key. Default: true
allowInsertColumn: Boolean Allow the user to insert new columns. Default: true
allowManualInsertColumn: Boolean Allow the user to insert new columns after the last column with the tab key. Default: true
allowDeleteRow: Boolean AAllow rows to be deleted. Default: true
allowDeleteColumn: Boolean Allow columns to be deleted. Default: true
allowRenameColumn: Boolean Allow columns to be renamed. Default: true
allowComments: Boolean Allow comments on cells. Default: true
selectionCopy: Boolean Show the cloning square cornerDefault: true
mergeCells: Object Merge cell information. Default: none
search: Object Show the search input filter box. Default: false
pagination: Boolean|Number Set to false to disable pagination or a number to enable and define how many records per page. Default: false
paginationOptions: Array Show a dropdown so the user can change the default number of records per page. Default: null
textOverflow: Boolean Cell text overflow. Default: false
tableOverflow: Boolean The size of the viewport will be limited. Default: false
tableHeight: Number The height of the viewport, only used when tableOverflow is true. Default: 300
tableWidth: Number The width of the viewport, only used when tableOverflow is true. Default: null
comments: Object All the comments from the worksheet. Default: null
meta: Object All the meta information from the worksheet. Default: null
style: Object All the style information from the worksheet. Default: null
freezeColumns: Number The number of freeze columns on the worksheet. Default: 0
worksheetId: String Define a unique workshet identification. Default: 0
worksheetName: String Define the worksheet name. Default: Sheet1
filters: Boolean Enable the column filters. Default: false
footers: Array Worksheet footer definitions. Default: null